Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008


I've been fairly busy lately watching my niece a lot. My brother-in-law is in a time crunch trying to finish his flight hours for his pilot's license before he has to go to CA to take some safety test of some sorts, so I've basically been her nanny the past week and will do the same next week. I'll actually be heading over there in a few hours. It's really helped solidify our bond of being best friends. I'm by far the favorite aunt. :) 

Last night, we finalized the pre-approval process, so we're a go on house shopping! I'm so excited! These past few days have just gone so amazingly that I fear something bad is around the corner. It's a ridiculous thought, I know, but I still worry. 

As for babymaking, it's been a dry month. So, that sucks. We're still TTA, though, and now that I'm able to have sex again (had to wait at least a week after colposcopy), I'm in my fertile time. My chart is horrific looking this month though, so who knows?!? I'm not ready to have sex yet, either, however. We're going to wait until we see the doctor for my follow up on wednesday to make sure that my cervix has healed correctly and then move forward from there. I'm so nervous in all matters concerning my reproductive system. I do know that J is ready. Poor guy. He's been so supportive with all of this, and I owe him a good time next weekend for sure. 

We're heading back up to our college town for the weekend to support one of J's good friends in his senior recital. I should be able to keep temping this time, which is good since it's around O time and I've been having some EWCM. No big plans for Halloween- just driving.

Happy Halloween!

-CD 20: a temp rise, but nothing to be excited about. This was the CD that I ovulated on last cycle (which had a MUCH prettier chart)
-61 days until we're TTC!
-5 days until the follow-up appointment

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