Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today, at 3 weeks and 3 days old, that nasty umbilical cord finally fell off. I had been wondering if it ever would. Of course, we still have a few days of healing and such left until we can see what that belly button has in store for us. I'm so glad that we're finally to that point, though. Jony just went and changed his diaper and called for me to come see the nasty little thing laying there on the changing pad. I've never been so excited to see something so gross! It had been oozing the past few days (gross) and staining the very tops of his diaper covers, so I'm glad that we can wash those and not have to worry about that anymore.

Sad thing: he's definitely not a newborn anymore. He'll be one month this coming Saturday!!!


Miss G said...

Hi, I have been following your blog along with some others that I found when I got pregnant. I know you have been using cloth diapers, I think the KL0's? What diaper cover do you use with them? have you liked them? My babe is coming any day, and I am interested and nervous as to how the cloth diapering will go....Thanks!

imavera said...

We use Thirsties (we have both XS and duos- no preference between the two) and Bumkins. We LOVE the Thirsties, but we haven't had any issues with either brand. Good luck!!