It's a major out of body experience to think that I'm in my 9th month of pregnancy. It's gone by SO fast. I definitely feel like I'm 9 months pregnant, though, complete with the grunts and groans that go along with that. Thankfully, I'm pretty sure that this little boy is starting to prepare for the big event. Yesterday, being a good wife, I woke up bright and early and went to support my husband participate in a triathlon relay (he's the cyclist). It turned out to be quite eventful. First, I had to ride in his car which is extremely bumpy and has tons of vibrations (it's an 85 Mustang). I haven't ridden in it since April, and it was not a particularly comfortable experience for me. It's also probably not the smartest since that is something suggested to bring along labor. Well, we get to the place, and we have to park 3 miles away. So, riding in a bumpy car, huge amounts of walking followed by a few hours of standing around= contractions. I've been having them off and on for the past few days- usually at night, but these were coming a little too close to comfort. I rested as much as I could afterwards, and they stopped.
My third and final baby shower was yesterday afternoon (yes, I was exhausted). I'm thankful that they (my coworkers) wanted to throw me one, but it was a bit awkward. I'm so glad that I work with one of my best friends and that she rode with me. It was only five people, but I got a few nice things and appreciate the thought. I'm so glad that all my showers are done, though. I'm not a fan of attention.
My big fear of the week: Jony is going out of town for a business trip tomorrow morning and will not return until Thursday night. With my random contractions and the fact that it feels like Jeffrey is pretty much poking his head out of my cervix, we're nervous about going early. So, I'm majorly taking it easy these next few days to try and avoid a husband-less labor. Or trying to, at least. Tuesday is car seat installation and work, Wednesday is pedicure with the sister and work, and Thursday is my 36w appointment. Meanwhile, I'm doing baby laundry (yay!). I just want it to be Friday...