Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So Ugly

My chart is horrific this month. I feel more confident that it reflects my body, though. I've constantly been evaluated and tested for having "abnormal" periods, which, after learning so much about cycles, is most likely attributed to just having a long cycle. Though my chart is ugly, it's still frustrating to think about all the trouble I've been put through and the hurt I've felt when I've been made to think I wouldn't ever be able to have kids. I know- so wrong. I'm taking a new approach to baby-making: I can do it. At least, I'm going to try real hard. Who knows- maybe I just O'd!?! I had a temp rise (maybe? i've been relying on adjusted temps WAY too much this cycle...I was going to move up my wake time when the cycle ended- AF?) and I've been having mounds of EWCM. As always, we shall see.

In other news, we may be putting an offer on a house! We've crunched the numbers, and we can do it for sure (apartment stuff factors in). Now, we just have to make a final decision! EEK!

-CD 39: "20 DPO"
-42 days until we're TTC!

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