Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Joy of being a Woman

Yesterday, I had the thrilling experience of going to get my annual pap smear. Yay. Actually, it's kind of sad that I was excited because it gave me a chance to just sit there for a bit since I left the little guy with my parents. Everything seems to be back in place after the excitement of pregnancy and childbirth. A fun fact that I learned is that the vaginal walls are apparently thinner while breastfeeding, so he could tell that I was still breastfeeding full time. Interesting stuff. I'll feel a lot better about it all in a few weeks if I don't hear back. I'm still a bit scarred from my horrible experience almost two years ago (tested positive and had to have a colposcopy and double biopsy). Even though I know that it was caused due to inflammation from the NuvaRing, I'm still nervous. Chances are good that I'm fine, though, since I haven't been on any birth control since then. I rewarded myself for a job well done (finally going to the appointment two months after I was supposed to...) with a nice large Smoothie. Jeffrey rewarded me by learning how to blow kisses :)


1 comment:

Rachael said...

Hey there! I'm the guest poster from "Exploits of a Military Mama." Just wanted to connect!